The banking industry will undergo fundamental changes as a result of rapid technological progress in the areas of “Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)”. The associated challenges facing retail banks, private banks, asset managers, universal and specialist banks are huge. They all need to prepare swiftly for this great change in order not to lose touch in a highly dynamic economic environment. There is not much time left, because there are already a large number of market-ready AI technology applications that can be used immediately. For intelligent automation of modern character, with which significant efficiency gains, increased speed, and improved quality can be achieved. But also completely new business models.
C-Level offers you this unique Banking Night on Thursday, June 6, 2019. Giving you the opportunity to quickly and profoundly familiarize yourself with this hot topic with great leverage across the industry. You can have the industry-specific opportunities of AI for your business, to recognize and implement measures successfully. In this context, we would like to cordially invite you to join hands with other top executives and high-level thought leaders to discuss specific areas of application, use cases, best practices, personal experiences, and to learn from each other.
Thursday, June 6, 2019